The CPE information morning is intended for parents:
– That have submitted or wish to submit an application for registration for the start of the 2023/2024 school year,
– That have a child already enrolled in the CPE who would change cycle in September (pre-school to maternelle, Maternelle to primary or primary to secondary).
– As well as to those wishing to receive information on how the CPE works with a view to the subsequent registration of their child,
Parents are invited to register for one of the two slots offered 9:00-10:30 or 10:45-12:15 by sending an email to the address
A presentation of the structures and operation will be offered in the multipurpose room located in the CPE3 building (5, rue Albert Borschette). Then parents will have the opportunity to visit the premises in small groups.
This is an information session for parents only.